Transitioning to Fall



Exciting as it is, the summer-to-fall transition can be fraught with emotions. No matter how much we, or our children, look forward to a new or returning autumn routine, the actual shift from summer mode to school season can stir up big feelings in every member of the household.

While these big feelings are necessary for growth and to help us settle into new situations and routines, they can still feel foreign or uncomfortable as the waves of change hit us at different moments.

In addition to our comprehensive Back to School Tips for Success, we have a handful of time-tested tricks to help your family navigate the changing tides as smoothly as possible...

1. Get Ahead of The Game

Do as much prep as you can the evening before each day. Set the coffee pot to brew. Choose and lay out the day’s outfits. Pre-pack as much of the lunches as possible. Fill the backpacks, and have them waiting by the door with weather-appropriate shoes. Your list may include more or less than this, but being your own advance team will be your daily ace in the hole!

2. Be The Early Bird

Wake up earlier than your child. Revel in the quiet as your brain wakes and you sneak in a workout or savor solo sips of coffee or tea… This moment is your haven of self-care, and if you can be dressed and ready before your littles stir, you’ve just won the parenting gold medal and set yourself up for an anything-is-possible day.

3. Routine, Routine, Routine

Establish a morning routine and consistently follow it. Though it will look different in every home, your wake-up rituals may include:

  • Bathroom, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, quiet activity (read books or draw). (Pro tip: create a visual chart for your younger children and review it before you get into the daily routines.)

  • Put together a menu of simple breakfast items for the school week and serve the same thing each day of the week, i.e.

    • Monday = bagel and cream cheese

    • Tuesday = yogurt with fruit

    • Wednesday = cold cereal…and so on…

4. Make It Fun

On the drive to school, play special music, a favorite audiobook or a fun podcast. A special ritual may just eliminate any I don't want to go to school struggles! 

Inevitably, some mornings will feel more challenging than others, but sticking to a consistent routine and clearly stating firm-yet-loving expectations will pave a smooth path for your days while arming your children with an important life skill that sets them up for future success.

P.S. We don’t have to tell you that small children have a way of surprising us and keeping us on our toes. If ever you find yourself having one of those mornings, when—despite all your best efforts—everyone seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing seems to go right, just remember…you’re not alone. We’ve all been through it, and we may even be having one of those days right along with you. Displaying resiliency when things don’t go our way teaches our children yet another valuable life skill, so consider those moments a different kind of win and set your sights on starting anew tomorrow.

We’d love to see any Harmony-inspired moments you capture along your child’s early years journey. Tag us (@HarmonyNLC) on Facebook and Instagram, and use the hashtags #HarmonyNaturalLearningCenter #TheHarmonyApproach #HarmonyNLC

Interested in introducing more of The Harmony Approach to your preschooler at home? Check out Harmony at Home today (FREE activities available).

We have a few available Multi-Track Kindergarten spaces for the coming school year—a great option for an upper preschooler too! Schedule Your Tour today!